Road to Resilience
Road to Resilience
Road to Resilience host and producer Jon Earle signs off with a few reflections from listeners on the past 75 episodes.
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Road to Resilience brings you stories and insights to help you thrive in a challenging world. From fighting burnout and trauma to building resilient families, we explore what’s possible when science meets the human spirit.
Hi, this is Karen. I have learned that resilience takes strength and courage and support systems. The podcast has shown pathways to resilience and have been incredibly inspirational.
Host:Hi, it's Jon Earle. I'm the host and producer of Road to Resilience. Last week, I put out a programming note saying that this is gonna be my last episode and asking all of you who are listening to send in some memory, some insight, some stories, some guests from the past three years of the podcast that stuck with you, that has made a difference in your life. We got some wonderful responses. We got this voicemail that you just heard from Karen. Thank you so much, Karen, for sending that in. And we got a few emails, which I wanna read to you because partly in the spirit of walking down memory lane and partly in the spirit of, oh, this was stuff that mattered to people. And just in reading these emails a moment ago, I was reminded of some things that I wanna return to and bring back into my own practice. The first one I wanna read to you is from Stephanie, who wrote to us about episode three, which is over 70 episodes ago. This was actually before I got here. She recalled an episode called Building a Resilient Family, which was with resilience expert and Dean of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Dr. Dennis Charney and his son, physician scientist, Dr. Alex Charney. Stephanie writes, I remember hearing Dean Charney talking about taking his kids camping to help them develop resilience. I never got to do that as a kid, but I saw his point. I planned to engage my daughter due a few weeks in outdoor and physical challenges for that same reason. Yes, thank you so much, Stephanie, and best of luck to you and your daughter wishing you both good health. That's a good occasion to say thank you to Dr. Charney. Who's kind of the originator and this podcast all those years ago and whose work on resilience has been extremely valuable to me. And I know it's in many, especially during the pandemic. So thank you Stephanie, for bringing up that episode and thank you so much Dean Charney. Next, we get an email from Cat who wrote in to say there are so many episodes, but one that is coming to mind right now was Dr. Aliza Pressman on Raising Resilient Kids. So much of how we deal with life is learned as children, so the topic is really critical and the struggle between supportive parenting versus authoritarian parenting is real. I loved hearing her perspective and she had such great concrete examples. I thought it was really useful for both parents and non-parents, I completely agree Cat, that was a very special episode. Dr. Aliza Pressman is a developmental psychologist here at Mount Sinai. She's also the host of her own podcast, Raising Good Humans. And I think if you listen to that episode 20 you'll know instantly why it was so powerful to Cat and to me, and to many others. I seriously, whether you have kids or not, we were all kids at one point, we all need to figure out how we became how we are, and so episode 20, I think can maybe unlock some pieces of that puzzle. So thank you again, Cat for writing in. The next one we got was from Marjorie who wrote, there was a survey that was extensive that summarized in individual strengths. I took the survey and found the international universal strengths to be very revealing. It has helped me a lot to feel I have unique gifts to offer my fellow colleagues, friends, and family. I don't know exactly which episode Marjorie is referring to, but I'm pretty sure it's episode 39 called Three Good Things. We also ran it as episode 68. So it was recorded with Jordyn Feingold, who was, at the time, a med student. She's now Dr. Jordyn Feingold, a psychiatry resident and wellbeing expert here at Mount Sinai. Dr. Feingold is a expert in positive psychology, and in that episode, she shared some really practical science-based habits that you can work into your life, that the research shows can improve wellbeing and resilience. So things like, gratitude, that's where the three good things comes from. So thank you Marjorie and thank you, Dr. Feingold. And the last email I wanna share is from Kate. Kate wrote to us to say, I have learned about resilience and the ability to take life in stride and to view each moment with creativity. Each day is a day to broaden one's perspective and see things in a new way. Everyone is unique. Struggles can be viewed as challenges. One must face with courage every day is a new day, live life with courage and honesty. Thank you, Kate. I can't think of a finer way to sum up what this podcast is all about. As far as the podcast goes, the future is under discussion so stay tuned, stay subscribed. Hopefully there will be a programming note soon. I've been so fortunate to work on it these past three years with an incredible team; my closest collaborators being Lucia Lee, Nicci Cheatham, Emma Stoneham, and Katie Ullman and this whole huge team at Mount Sinai who makes this happen and promotes it and supports it in so many ways. Thank you all of you, and thank you to you, our listeners, it's been incredibly inspiring and heartening to know that this stuff that we work very hard on, this podcast, we've worked very hard on, has resonated with you, has made a difference. So here goes one last time from all of us here at Mount Sinai. Thanks for listening and take care out there.